Buffalo Infection by Fasciola gigantica Transmitted by Radix acuminata in Uttar Pradesh, India: A Molecular Tool to Improve Snail Vector Epidemiology Assessments and Control Surveillance

  1. Sunita, K.
  2. Mas-Coma, S.
  3. Bargues, M.D.
  4. Sadaf, null
  5. Khan, M.A.
  6. Habib, M.
  7. Mustafa, S.
  8. Husain, S.A.
Acta Parasitologica

ISSN: 1896-1851 1230-2821

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 66

Issue: 4

Pages: 1396-1405

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1007/S11686-021-00414-3 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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