Factores de riesgo de comisión de atentadosUna investigación de los yihadistas occidentales desde 2006

  1. María José Galvis Doménech
  2. Vicente Garrido Genovés
  3. Isabel Cañadas Osinski
REC: Revista Electrónica de Criminología

ISSN: 2695-2882

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 3

Type: Article

More publications in: REC: Revista Electrónica de Criminología

Sustainable development goals


The aim of this article is to analyse the risk factors of commission of jihadist attacks in Western countries. So as to achieve this purpose the research is divided into two parts. The first part consists of a bibliography review of international literature about risk factors traditionally linked to this phenomenon. The second part develops an empirical research, in which 116 attacks in Western countries were analysed, from 2006 until May 2018. The methodology has required finding information on numerous official and media sources to collate data in the most comprehensive way. From all the cases identified, 33 criminology variables relating to the characteristics of the attacks were extracted, on which the statistical analyses focused. The key variables providing significant information were these: Finally, we discuss the implication of our findings wihtin the general problema of the prevention of terrorist attacks.

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