Provenance of marbles used for building the internal spiral staircase of the bell tower of St. Nicholas Church (Pisa, Italy)

  1. Lezzerini, M.
  2. Antonelli, F.
  3. Gallello, G.
  4. Ramacciotti, M.
  5. Parodi, L.
  6. Alberti, A.
  7. Pagnotta, S.
  8. Legnaioli, S.
  9. Palleschi, V.
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing

ISSN: 1432-0630 0947-8396

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 123

Issue: 5

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1007/S00339-017-0998-Y GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Sustainable development goals