Dicrocoelium dendriticum found in a Bronze Age cemetery in western Iran in the pre-Persepolis period: The oldest Asian palaeofinding in the present human infection hottest spot region

  1. Mowlavi, G.
  2. Mokhtarian, K.
  3. Makki, M.S.
  4. Mobedi, I.
  5. Masoumian, M.
  6. Naseri, R.
  7. Hoseini, G.
  8. Nekouei, P.
  9. Mas-Coma, S.
Parasitology International

ISSN: 1873-0329 1383-5769

Année de publication: 2015

Volumen: 64

Número: 5

Pages: 251-255

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.PARINT.2015.02.007 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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