A f = 2+1+1 "twisted" determination of the b-quark mass, B and fBs

  1. Carrasco, N.
  2. Dimopoulos, P.
  3. Frezzotti, R.
  4. Giménez, V.
  5. Lami, P.
  6. Lubicz, V.
  7. Picca, E.
  8. Riggio, L.
  9. Rossi, G.C.
  10. Sanfilippo, F.
  11. Simula, S.
  12. Tarantino, C.
Proceedings of Science

ISSN: 1824-8039

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Alea: 29-July-2013

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena