Synthesis, Characterization, and Magnetic Properties of μ-oxalato- and μ-oxamido-bridged Copper(ii) Dimers: Crystal and Molecular Structures of [cu2(mepirizole)2(c2o4)(h2o)2](pf6)2⋅mepirizole⋅3h2o and [cu2(mepirizole)2(c2o4)(no3)2(h2o)]2[cu2(mepirizole)2(c2o4)(no3)2]

  1. Soto, L.
  2. Garcia, J.
  3. Escriva, E.
  4. Legros, J.-P.
  5. Tuchagues, J.-P.
  6. Dahan, F.
  7. Fuertes, A.
Inorganic Chemistry

ISSN: 1520-510X 0020-1669

Year of publication: 1989

Volume: 28

Issue: 17

Pages: 3378-3386

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1021/IC00316A028 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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