Magneto-optical investigations of nanostructured materials based on single-molecule magnets monitor strong environmental effects

  1. Bogani, L.
  2. Cavigli, L.
  3. Gurioli, M.
  4. Novak, R.L.
  5. Mannini, M.
  6. Caneschi, A.
  7. Pineider, F.
  8. Sessoli, R.
  9. Clemente-León, M.
  10. Coronado, E.
  11. Cornia, A.
  12. Gatteschi, D.
Advanced Materials

ISSN: 0935-9648

Year of publication: 2007

Volume: 19

Issue: 22

Pages: 3906-3911

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1002/ADMA.200700594 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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