Cláusula rebus sic stantibus y arrendamiento de local de negocio. La posible suspensión del contrato

  1. Alejandro Fuentes-Lojo Rius 1
  2. Antonio Salas Carceller
  3. Vicente Magro Servet
  4. Francisco Javier Orduña Moreno
  5. Roberto García Ceniceros
  1. 1 Fuentes Lojo Abogados
Actualidad civil
  1. O'Callaghan Muñoz, Xavier (dir.)

ISSN: 0213-7100

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 4

Type: Article

More publications in: Actualidad civil


Can the tenant of a business premises require the suspension of the contract as a result of the declaration of a state of alarm due the coronavirus? If yes, from what moment can the tenant discontinue the payment of the rent?