Future directions in solid state chemistry: Report of the NSF-sponsored workshop

  1. Cava, R.J.
  2. DiSalvo, F.J.
  3. Brus, L.E.
  4. Dunbar, K.R.
  5. Gorman, C.B.
  6. Haile, S.M.
  7. Interrante, L.V.
  8. Musfeldt, J.L.
  9. Navrotsky, A.
  10. Nuzzo, R.G.
  11. Pickett, W.E.
  12. Wilkinson, A.P.
  13. Ahn, C.
  14. Allen, J.W.
  15. Burns, P.C.
  16. Ceder, G.
  17. Chidsey, C.E.D.
  18. Clegg, W.
  19. Coronado, E.
  20. Dai, H.
  21. Deem, M.W.
  22. Dunn, B.S.
  23. Galli, G.
  24. Jacobson, A.J.
  25. Kanatzidis, M.
  26. Lin, W.
  27. Manthiram, A.
  28. Mrksich, M.
  29. Norris, D.J.
  30. Nozik, A.J.
  31. Peng, X.
  32. Rawn, C.
  33. Rolison, D.
  34. Singh, D.J.
  35. Toby, B.H.
  36. Tolbert, S.
  37. Wiesner, U.B.
  38. Woodward, P.M.
  39. Yang, P.
  40. Mostrar todos os autores +
Progress in Solid State Chemistry

ISSN: 0079-6786

Ano de publicación: 2002

Volume: 30

Número: 1-2

Páxinas: 1-101

Tipo: Achega congreso

DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6786(02)00010-9 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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