Hybrid molecular materials based on organic molecules and the inorganic magnetic cluster [M4(H2O)2(PW9O34) 2]10- (M2+ = Co, Mn)

  1. Clemente-Léon, M.
  2. Coronado, E.
  3. Galán-Mascarós, J.-R.
  4. Giménez-Saiz, C.
  5. Gómez-García, C.J.
  6. Fernández-Otero, T.
Journal of Materials Chemistry

ISSN: 0959-9428

Année de publication: 1998

Volumen: 8

Número: 2

Pages: 309-312

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1039/A706864F GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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