Homology modeling using simulated annealing of restrained molecular dynamics and conformational search calculations with CONGEN: Application in predicting the three-dimensional structure of murine homeodomain Msx-1

  1. Li, H.
  2. Tejero, R.
  3. Monleon, D.
  4. Bassolino-Klimas, D.
  5. Abate-Shen, C.
  6. Bruccoleri, R.E.
  7. Montelione, G.T.
Protein Science

ISSN: 0961-8368

Ano de publicación: 1997

Volume: 6

Número: 5

Páxinas: 956-970

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.1002/PRO.5560060502 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable