Sobrecrecimiento gingival inducido por difenilhidantoína sódica. Estudio morfológico de 76 casos

  1. F. Peñarrocha Diago
  2. F. Vega Sempere
  3. JV Bagán Sebastián
Archivos de odontoestomatología

ISSN: 0213-4144

Year of publication: 1989

Volume: 5

Issue: 1

Pages: 9-16

Type: Article

More publications in: Archivos de odontoestomatología


We present a gingival morphological study on 76 epileptic patients treated with phenytoin. The histopathological findings were related with the degree of clinical gingival overgrowth induced by phenytoin. Regarding the epithelial changes, a predominance of the acantosic-papillomatous pattern was found; likewise we observed the phenomena of orthokeratosis, parakeratosis, false epithelial onion skin and some cases with epithelial breakages. In the subepithelial stroma we observed inflamatory infiltration with a lymphoplasmocytic predominance as well as an evident richness of collagen fibres in 90% of cases. We also evaluate stroma hyalinization, interstitial edema and vascular richness. No significant relations were observed between connective fibre richness and the intensity of epithelial hyperplasia and the clinical grade of gingival overgrowth.