Juegos de azaraleatoriedad y razonamiento falaz

  1. Iranzo García, Valeriano
Revista española de drogodependencias

ISSN: 0213-7615

Ano de publicación: 2012

Número: 3

Páxinas: 269-286

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista española de drogodependencias


The article consists of four sections. The fi rst is a short historical look to display the close relation between games of chance and mathematics. The second argues that games are chance are �unfair� for the gambler and favourable for the betting fi rm; this is precisely where the profi t margin lies for the fi rm, and why this is a profi table business. It also explains how, by means of a simple calculation, we can fi nd out whether a particular bet or a game, understood as a series of bets, is �fair� or not. It furthermore gives the reasons why gamblers will in the long term end up losing their money when they have to play against an adverse �betting quotient�. If players could realise the inevitability of their ruin in the long term for mathematical reasons, they might stop betting. What often tends to happen is nevertheless quite another matter: the players work out their calculations as to how chance works and their possibilities of controlling this, draw their conclusions as to how the physical device generating the results works and � go on betting. The experimental evidence also indicates that when gamblers and non-gamblers alike reason on probabilities, we are very prone to make mistakes. For this reason the third section puts forward several errors of reasoning � �fallacies�, connected with probability and chance. To end with there is a short section containing the conclusions.

Referencias bibliográficas

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