Identidad y alteridad como constructos psicoeducativos y neurocognitivos

  1. Cantarino Suñer, María Elena
El mejoramiento humano: avances, investigaciones y reflexiones éticas y políticas

Publisher: Albolote (Granada): Comares, 2015

ISBN: 978-84-9045-364-3

Year of publication: 2015

Pages: 807-818

Type: Book chapter


This paper analyzes the educational sense of links with otherness in the construction of identity. We seek to build our identity (my identity-our identity) in a fragmented world, and the relationship with otherness is essential for this. The pedagogical relationship with otherness and space-time education proposes let you turn the chances of cross-training and re-constitution of experience in common construction of a I-we open to possibilities and complexities of human experience. What gives us our common experience of us in common, should be considered an essential element anchoring both the psychoeducational and in neurocognitive basis.