La creativitatBases teòriques i proposta d'un programa d'intervenció pedagògica a través de l'art en primària.
- Estruch Ribera, Susana
- Pedro R. Garfella Esteban Director
Defence university: Universitat de València
Fecha de defensa: 18 May 2006
- Bernardo Martínez Mut Chair
- Bernardo Gargallo López Secretary
- Paz Cánovas Leonhardt Committee member
- Cándido Ruiz Rodrigo Committee member
- Joan Josep Jové Peres Committee member
Type: Thesis
If we pretend our society not to be a society of mass but a society of individual persons, the professors of Education should work for increasing the creative in our pupils and a way of achieve it within of the curricula is through the area of Art. In this text you will find an extense theorical revision about the creative and about the models and programmes for its development, even more of a new programme of Art trust it by the results of the research that we did to demonstrate that we can make emerge the creative from our pupils mind and increase it to the top with our programme. To do all this explained we have been working with markers of creative that Saturnino de la Torre talks about in TAEC. Our programme is based in a cognitiviste and constructive methodology that pretend a vividly and a significative learning for the pupils and give the possibility of a pedagogical revolution for the teachers because they work taking into account action in the classroom, moreover of proposing a work method based on projects in which we work the different areas with flexible working teams. The result has been a very practical and positive work where the main characters have been the pupils and where the collaboration of the working team Xucurruc with more than ten years of experience working in LEscola dEstiu Marina Safor has been very satisfactory in both personal and professional level.