Optimización de la atención a través de un programa de intervención musical

  1. Alonso Brull, Vicente
  1. Josefa Lafuente Benaches Zuzendaria
  2. Ana Miranda Casas Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 2004(e)ko maiatza-(a)k 27

  1. Florencio Vicente Castro Presidentea
  2. María Ángeles Bermell Corral Idazkaria
  3. Bernardo Gargallo López Kidea
  4. Angel Latorre Latorre Kidea
  5. Rosa García Castellar Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 103349 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


1. Introduction Psychology and Music are both fields with which one can make profitable interchanges, that is why we decided to work out an interdisciplinary program. 2. General aim To improve student attentiveness through a sonorous stimulus by means of a progression of contents. 3. Specific aims Draw up and validate an instrument to assess attention though an auditory way; increase and improve student attentiveness; give future teachers of Musical Education the chance to develop and value musical parameters. 4. Contents by chapters Chapter I Analysis of the concept of attentiveness and its historical perspective. Study of those scientific researches which have helped us to value the tasks of the interventional program. Revision of the models and study of the different methods, tecniques and types related to attentiveness. Evolutionary development and development of target-attention. Chapter II Study of attention resources, learning and school achievement. Reasons for introducing musical tasks to reinforce learning and performance, though rhythm, tune and harmony discrimination, to develop habits of attention in the classroom. Other matters are also present in this chapter, such as : the different inter-individualities in the attention level; the concept of the attention problem; attentiveness disorders and their effect on procedures and school achievement. Chapter III Analysis of the contribution of Development Psycholy to the teaching and learning of Music and to Musical Education.. The significance given to attentiveness in the different teaching methods. Main methodological musical systems. The importance of attentiveness in Music. Psichological aspects of musical art in the attention process. Chapter IV Presentation of the experimental design we carried out: Expounding of objectives and hypothesis; methodology used and results obtained from statistical analysis. Validity and reability of the ADA test; comments to our conclusions and prospects derived from our work.